Bishop DiMarzio Prayer for Vocations

At Saint James, we say a Prayer for Vocations daily after every Mass. Here is the text of the prayer by Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio.  There are prayer cards in every pew for use in the church.

Prayer for Vocations

Lord of the Harvest, we petition you as you have instructed us to ask for more laborers to serve in the vineyard of Your Church.

You have told us that the harvest is rich and laborers are few and we experience this great need in the face of the challenge of the New Evangelization.

We ask the Holy Spirit to inspire young men and women to seriously consider vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Help all of us to be effective instruments to encourage and support those whom you are calling to serve and lead the Church of Brooklyn and Queens in the future.

Lord, you told the Apostles to put out into the deep. We ask for the grace and courage to accept your call as we pray and work for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.

We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Great High Priest, Amen.

Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio