October 03, 2024 13:46

From the Pastoral Administrator: God is My Light

Read this week's bulletin

My Dear St. James Cathedral Family,

We just celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi last Friday! I have had a devotion to St. Francis since middle school and I have been blessed to have visited Assisi a few times. Each year at this time, I think back to middle school where I was taught by the Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn. They helped me understand that we are all very special to God. God’s love for us is unconditional. He loves us now and He will love us forever, even if we choose to sin. God will be waiting for us to reconcile with Him. Let me tell you a little phrase which is very special to me because I learned it from the Brothers in middle school. Deus lux mea est (God is my light). Let me assure you, God’s light will never grow dim; it will be a light which will always be visible, even somewhere in the distance, no matter how far we wander away. Deus lux mea est. I know people who have been lost for years, people who have even been lost for decades and have finally chosen to look up and follow the light of Christ. If you ever get lost, and I hope you don’t, look up and you will find the light of God’s love in the distance. I promise. Follow it home. Deus lux Mea est.

In the Gospels, we hear the call of the disciples. They were just normal and ordinary people. They were hard working men trying to make ends meet. They were not theologians or scholars of the law. They probably weren’t even as smart as we are today. Yet, God chose them to lay the foundation of the Church. He entrusted them with the power of the Gospels and the salvation of the world. And once they got it, once they understood who Jesus really was and what God needed them to do, (and let me tell you it took them awhile to figure it all out), they were so brave! 

They were so courageous that they willingly gave their lives for Jesus, the Gospels and for love. They willingly gave their lives for love. Think about it…Deus lux mea est.

God has a plan. God has a plan for all of us. Each and every one of us is a very important part, an indispensable piece in the wonderful puzzle of God’s loving providence. There is nothing more disappointing and annoying than to spend tons of time putting together a puzzle of many pieces and finding a piece missing. When that happens, everyone who looks at the puzzle and your hard work notices the piece that is missing. The unconditional love of God wants to find that missing piece for His plan.

In the time ahead always remember, Deus lux mea est, God is my light! God will show us where we fit into the puzzle of His Divine Providence. God will show us where He needs us. Listen carefully when Jesus says come follow me. He may lead us to be a priest or deacon, a religious sister or brother, a lector, an extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, an altar server, or a Minister of Hospitality. Jesus, our light, will always be walking alongside of us. We need to be conscious of His presence and follow Him. I am grateful to the Franciscan Brothers for the life lessons of faith handed down in middle school. St. Francis of Assisi, intercede for us and the whole world!

With love,
Deacon Ron